My best vacation was in the summer of 2018, we traveled along the Austral road with my dad, mom and little brother. We got to known many towns, places, snowdrifts, barges untill to reaching Puerto Cisnes, a few kilometers from Coyhaique. The trip lasted about a month and involved various adversities, such as walking for hours, eating at one AM, having to wait hours to get on a barge and sleeping in the car. However, all that was worth it in exchange for the beautiful places we met, the kind people who opened their doors to us, the craft fairs where my mom went crazy for buying magnets for fridge and my dad for eating seafood, jokes and "nanai" in the back seat with my brother, doing arborism in very tall trees, cold and rainy days, traveling by boat, sunsets (which are beautiful in all places and I love taking pictures of them), playing with the southerners puppies and kittens, music playing loud while we were on the road, being surrounded by the immense sea, feeling so complete. Honestly, this trip meant a lot to me, since I felt very happy, after a very difficult year, with the people that I love the most. It is unsurpassed and inexplicably wonderful.
sounds like a complicated adventure!