If I had to choose something to eat for the rest of my life, every day at every meal, I would not hesitate to choose spaghetti. It is very simple, cheap and easy to get. It can also be mixed with other things, such as soy meat (because animals are not eaten here), pesto, tomato sauce, mushrooms or with a vegetable sauté, you can even make them with some soy sauce and vegetables!. It has been my favorite food forever, I don't know why, I remember that when I was little, I always wanted to eat spaghetti, so much that it became the menu for my birthdays or important events, in fact when we went out to eat I always was asking for it, and, if I’m being honest, I still order spaghetti whenever I can (obsessed lol). But it is not healthy to eat a lot of spaghetti, because carbs can affect our health, that is why I’m kinda trying to reduce my passion and need of eating an entire pot every day, which is very difficult considering how delicious my mother, father and grandmother cook. My grandma always cooks me spaghetti with carrots when we go to her house; and my best friend has bribed me with some (really wonderful) pesto pasta to make me watch an entire anime in one night with her (no regrets tho, it was pretty good).
the spaguetti is amazing <3